
Showing posts from March, 2022

spring break

 I am just going to stay home and clean the the car  and clean the  garage and clean the basement  and  vacuum clean the rug  i am looking forward spending time    With  my dad  and  ride me bike  and cut the grass  and plant  plants   


MY favorite movies Is Sing2   I saw movie at MJR  and MY  favorite  snack IS  sweetdisfish   and  MY  favorite drink IS  pepsi .


 I use my phone  and   watch TV  and i use a computer   and  I use the microwave  and  I use my alexa and I use  the car radio   and I use the washer and dryer  and  IS use the  ATM  and  i use oven  and i  use  the  nintendo  switch  TO play my game and I like taking pictures